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WhosOnFirst GeoParquet Downloads

To celebrate the release of DuckDB v1.1.0 we’re now publishing regular updates of the WhosOnFirst Gazetteer in GeoParquet format.

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Announcing Overture Maps POI Beta

Today we are announcing a new (beta) feature: the addition of 60 million Points of Interest from the Overture Maps Foundation.

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Algolia Places Sunset

At the end of 2020, Algolia announced that they will be discontinuing their Algolia Places service in May 2022. Our autocomplete service is a great alternative for Algolia Places which...

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Rate Limiting & Rate Throttling

Making some simple tweaks to your application can result in significant cost savings. In this blog post I’ll cover both server-side and client-side strategies you can adopt to reduce your...

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Happy Birthday to us, new lower pricing for you!

Four years ago, in January 2018, we started Geocode Earth with a mission to bring people a sustainable, quality, privacy respecting global geocoder. Today, we’re pleased to announce new, significantly...

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Upgrading to US Census TIGER/Line 2021 edition

We’re pleased to provide a free public mirror of the US Census TIGER dataset for users of Pelias, our open-source geocoder. History of the US Census Not many people know...

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Exploring G-NAF with SQLite

G-NAF is Australia’s authoritative, geocoded address file built using government data. In this post I’ll be exploring the G-NAF dataset with the aid of SQLite.

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Announcing Street Intersections in North America

Today we’re pleased to announce the availability of street intersections in North America. Starting today, all queries to Geocode Earth will return intersections where available.

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Introducing the new Geocode Earth documentation

We’ve just launched brand new documentation for Geocode Earth. Take a Look Good documentation is hard to find To us, documentation is as core to a service as the servers,...