29 January 2021

Introducing the new Geocode Earth documentation

We’ve just launched brand new documentation for Geocode Earth.

Take a Look

Good documentation is hard to find

To us, documentation is as core to a service as the servers, code, and APIs that make it run.

We’ve worked hard to make sure our documentation can get you going right away, while also providing all the information you’ll need even if you’ve been using Geocode Earth for years.

Now with more code samples

Most importantly, our docs are full of easy to use, complete code samples.

A code sample from
the Geocode Earth documentation
One of our many ready to go code samples. Don't worry, that API key is there on purpose!

These code samples have beautiful hand-tuned syntax highlighting for several popular languages. We’ve given special care to the JSON responses from our API, to make sure they’re even easier to read and understand.

All our code samples work without any libraries or dependencies, so there’s nothing between you and working code.

There are examples for every endpoint and parameter that Geocode Earth supports, and we even had a little fun picking example locations from around the world. We hope you’ll have as much fun finding them all.

Pre-filled API keys

If you’re logged into your Geocode Earth account, we’ll also embed your API key directly in the code samples. That’s yet another step removed between you and running your code.

Always Improving

We’ll be adding to the documentation all the time, with more guides, best practices, and reference already planned.

There’s nothing that pleases us more than hearing from people that have found our work useful, so let us know what you think. We can’t wait to see what you’ll build after you read our documentation.