WhosOnFirst Extracts

Extracts of the Who's on First boundary, constituency & postcode datasets, free to download & use.

Country downloads

Boundaries & postcodes per country.

Global downloads

Download the whole planet.

Geographic layer downloads

Global data partitioned by place type.

Administrative Boundaries

Free cartographic data downloads in GeoJSON format.

City Boundary Data

Cities, Towns, Villages & Localities.

Country Boundary Data

Countries & Dependencies.

County Boundary Data

United States Counties.

Neighbourhood Data

Neighbourhoods, Quarters and Kiez.

Region Boundary Data

Neighbourhoods, Quarters and Kiez.

Timezone Boundary Data

International Timezones.

Placeholder Downloads

Global pelias/placeholder builds for language translations & coarse geocoding.

store.sqlite3.gz 2021-11-04 1.9GB (5.8GB uncompressed)
wof.placeholder.extract.gz 2021-08-01 491MB (only required for development)
This data is made available under the same license conditions as the source data.

OpenStreetMap Street Network Downloads

Road network exported to polylines format. Generated using Valhalla & compatible with pelias/polylines.

australia-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 56MB (83MB uncompressed)
belgium-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 15MB (22MB uncompressed)
brazil-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 97MB (155MB uncompressed)
france-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 140MB (214MB uncompressed)
germany-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 109MB (166MB uncompressed)
jamaica-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 888KB (1.3MB uncompressed)
malaysia-singapore-brunei-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 9.4MB (15MB uncompressed)
netherlands-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 24MB (36MB uncompressed)
new-zealand-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 12MB (17MB uncompressed)
north-america-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 756MB (1.2GB uncompressed)
planet-latest-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 2.3GB (3.5GB uncompressed)
south-africa-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 20MB (29MB uncompressed)
us-northeast-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 94MB (138MB uncompressed)
us-west-valhalla.polylines.0sv.gz 2022-08-21 153MB (229MB uncompressed)
This data is made available under the same license conditions as the source data. note: polylines are encoded at precision 6.

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