Status Codes

All Geocode Earth API endpoints return standard HTTP Response Status Codes.

Status Code Explanation
200 OK The request has succeeded.
These requests count towards your plan limit.
400 Bad Request An input parameter was invalid.
An error message is included in the response body with more details.
401 Unauthorized The API key is valid but not authorized for this request.
Ensure you are authenticating correctly and your key has not expired.
403 Forbidden Your API key is invalid or has exceeded the monthly limit included in your plan.
Log in to upgrade your plan or contact us to re-enable the key.
404 Not Found The URL does not contain a valid path.
Ensure that the URL path is correct and try again.
429 Too Many Requests You have exceeded the per-second rate limit for your plan.
Response headers are included for more details. Log in to upgrade your plan limits.
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong while our servers were processing the request.
Check our service status page for more information.
502 Bad Gateway Something went wrong while our servers were processing the request.
Check our service status page for more information.
504 Gateway Timeout Something went wrong while our servers were processing the request.
Check our service status page for more information.